
Star Citizen localized

For some time now, it has been possible to play Star Citizen in your own language by placing a translation file in the Star Citizen folder.

Instructions on how to set this up appeared some time ago on the Hangarbase: Star Citizen in German?!

But since there is now a large selection of language files for the German language, the choice is not so easy.

Some reliable maintainers have crystallized over time and we at Hangarbase recommend Sertos's language file:

There are daily updates, feedback and very specific suggestions for improvement can be submitted on Discord. If possible, these will be taken into account and included.

In addition, it should be emphasized that Sertos's main focus is clearly on the language file and it is not a side project.

Anyone who always wants the latest language file will also find instructions for a custom launcher on Discord. This launcher downloads the latest language file before each start of Star Citizen and places it in the right position.

Author: SerethiX
Published 21:29 28.05.2024