
Jump Gate playtest

Cloud Imperium Games (CIG) recently celebrated a significant victory in their server meshing playtest for Star Citizen. The test involved full-scale static meshing, with one server dedicated to Pyro and another to Stanton. Both servers navigated seamlessly through the replication layer to the same shard, marking a major milestone in the game's development.

Despite a minor hiccup in Pyro, the Stanton server continued to operate smoothly. Moreover, the Pyro server rebounded in just over two minutes, demonstrating the system's resilience and efficiency.

The success of this playtest is a testament to CIG's commitment to enhancing the gaming experience. The upcoming week promises more advancements, with the opening of Jump Gates between systems for the first time.

CIG's achievement in server meshing and routing is a significant step towards the seamless integration of different game worlds. This breakthrough sets the stage for a promising 2024 for Star Citizen and its dedicated fanbase.

Author: SerethiX
Published 23:14 04.03.2024