Origin Jumpworks Star Citizen spaceships

Origin Jumpworks is a manufacturer of luxury spacecraft based on Terra (Terra III) and is part of the United Empire of Earth (UEE). The move to Terra has not been long ago; until SEY 2913, the company was located on Earth (Sol III) and used materials exclusively manufactured in the Sol system for its 600i product line.
Since the move, the company has changed its outsourcing policy to accept components from across the UEE. The Origin 300i and the Origin 890 Jump are among the company's best-selling ships.


Out of all the spaceships available, only a relatively small portion is always available in CIG's shop.
However, these spaceships from the manufacturer are an exception and you can purchase them directly.

During sales events

These spacecraft from the manufacturer are only available for special occasions like the IAE (Intergalactic Aerospace Expo) or the Invictus Launch Week.
So you have to wait for the right opportunity before you can purchase these spacecraft.


In addition to the spaceships that are not available for purchase all year round, some are also limited in quantity.
This means that these spaceships are released in several waves in the shop and, depending on their popularity, are quickly sold out.
So, it's worth being quick! The waves are usually announced before the event and are intended to ensure that Star Citizen players from every timezone have a chance to grab one of these coveted spaceships.


A few elite Star Citizen spaceships can't simply be purchased in the shop.
Some are distributed upon reaching new Concierge ranks (Anvil F8C Lightning as Wingcommander, the corresponding Executive Skin upon reaching the Praetorian rank, and the Origin 600i Executive-Edition is obtained as Legatus).
Others have been distributed as promotions with CIG partners, like the C . O. Mustang Omega or the Aegis Sabre Raven.

Unknown availability

For some spaceships, we don't know yet if they will always be available or not. If you know how the availability will be for one of the spaceships where we don't know it, feel free to edit the Star Citizen spaceships and enter the correct status.