Aegis Dynamics Star Citizen spaceships

Aegis Dynamics is a manufacturer of human spacecraft based on Cestulus (Davien II). Since the company produced a significant portion of the military ships used by the United Empire of Earth (UEE) during the Messer Era (SEY 2546 - 2792), it became synonymous with the then-fascist regime.

Following the overthrow of the Messers in 2792, Aegis Dynamics faced massive public backlash, lost its military contracts, underwent mass layoffs, and underwent internal restructuring. The company was reduced to producing spare parts and managed to avoid bankruptcy when civilian sales for the redesigned Retaliator Bomber skyrocketed.

Today, the company is a major manufacturer of both civilian and military aircraft.


In Star Citizen, there is a wide selection of combat spacecraft designed for direct engagement in battles. These ships are characterized by their advanced weaponry, robust armor, and specialized systems for space combat.

From agile fighters to heavy bombers and specialized vessels for specific tactical tasks, Star Citizen offers a diverse range of combat ships. The primary function of these ships is to engage in combat against enemy targets, whether in dogfights, assaults on opposing capital ships, or strategic bombardments.

The variety of combat ships allows players to focus on intense space battles and assume various tactical roles in the dynamic conflicts of Star Citizen. With adaptability and different specializations, players can choose their own playstyle and preferred combat tactics.


Interception spacecraft in Star Citizen are designed to stop enemy ships or disrupt their Quantum travels. The primary function of such ships is to control the space around them and influence the movements of other vessels.

  • Quantum Disruption: These ships typically have specialized equipment that allows them to disrupt enemy ships in Quantum flight. This means they have the ability to force ships to exit Quantum travel and return to normal space.
  • Surveillance and Control: Interdiction-focused ships are equipped with advanced sensors and jamming devices to monitor the space around them and influence the movements of other ships. This enables them to detect and prevent hostile activities.
  • Detainment and Blocking: These ships can serve as a kind of space police by stopping, blocking, or restricting enemy ships. This is especially important in high-traffic areas or conflict zones.
  • Versatility: Some interdiction-focused ships may also be suitable for other tasks such as escort or reconnaissance. Their capabilities make them a versatile tool for tactical operations.
  • Specialized Equipment: These ships may carry specialized equipment such as Quantum Interdiction Generators or advanced scanners to optimize their interdiction functions.

Interception spacecraft play a crucial role in space control and can be vital in enforcing laws, defending territories, or combating piracy.


Gunships in Star Citizen are specialized spacecraft designed for use in space combat. With their impressive firepower and sophisticated weapon systems, they are tailored to effectively engage enemy ships. These spacecraft are equipped with a variety of weapons such as cannons, rockets, and energy weapons, playing a crucial role in both dogfights and larger space battles. The agility and offensive potential make Gunships an essential component in fleets to secure air superiority and successfully navigate space combat.


Bombing in Star Citizen is a tactical and combat-oriented gameplay aspect that allows players to conduct attacks on enemy targets with specialized combat ships. Bombs come in various sizes and types, ranging from conventional explosive bombs to EMP bombs for electronic warfare.

Players specializing in bombing can target objectives such as enemy ships, ground installations, or even space stations. Choosing the right bomb for the specific purpose and precise coordination of the attack are crucial. It requires skill and strategic thinking to successfully drop bombs and inflict damage on the enemy.

Bombing combat in Star Citizen adds an additional dimension to space battles, requiring both precise navigation and evasion of enemy fire. This tactical depth allows players to assume different roles in the persistent world of Star Citizen, whether as defenders, attackers, or support units.


Starter ships in Star Citizen are the entry-level models that enable new players to start their journey in the universe. These ships are cost-effective, versatile, and serve as the foundation for further gameplay progress. They are suitable for various tasks such as trading, mining, research, or combat. While they may have more limited features compared to advanced ships, they still provide a solid basis for learning the game's fundamentals and earning credits. Players have the option to upgrade their ships or acquire more advanced models as they progress, enhancing their journey through the Star Citizen universe.


In Star Citizen, cargo ships take center stage in trade and logistics. These ships are designed to transport large quantities of cargo safely and efficiently throughout the universe. With varying sizes and cargo capacities, cargo ships provide players with the opportunity to engage in the economy of Star Citizen by transporting goods between different planets, space stations, and trading outposts.

Cargo ships are equipped with specialized cargo holds and loading systems to transport a variety of goods, from raw materials to traded commodities to valuable cargo. Proper cargo management and navigating through space routes are crucial to trading profitably and overcoming the challenges of space commerce.

The diversity of cargo ships in Star Citizen allows players to adjust their transport capacities according to their needs. From small freighters for local deliveries to massive cargo ships for interstellar trade, these ships form a vital foundation for the economy and trade in the Star Citizen universe.


Stealth ships in Star Citizen are designed to move unnoticed in space and evade enemy detection systems. With advanced camouflage and silent propulsion systems, they can stealthily creep up on opponents and launch surprise attacks. These ships are specialized in avoiding direct combat and instead rely on cunning and tactics. Their abilities make them ideal for reconnaissance missions, sabotage operations, and surprise attacks, all while skillfully evading the gaze of hostile forces.


Frigates in Star Citizen are versatile medium-sized ships that provide a balanced combination of armament, defense, and payload. These ships can play a crucial role in fleet operations by fulfilling both offensive and defensive functions. With sufficient crew capacity and space for various tasks, frigates are capable of handling a wide range of missions, from escorts and patrols to offensive or defensive operations. Their flexibility makes them valuable assets in spaceflight as they can operate independently or as part of larger fleets.


Mine layers in Star Citizen play a crucial role in the defense and tactical deployment of mines in space. These specialized ships are designed to lay minefields to slow down, intercept, or deter enemy ships. By strategically placing explosive mines, mine layers help control space and block enemy movements. These ships are an important addition to tactical fleet operations and can significantly influence the outcome of battles.


Salvage ships in Star Citizen play a crucial role in recycling and utilizing debris in space. These specialized ships are designed to salvage damaged or destroyed wrecks, extract resources, and recover valuable materials. Through their abilities, scrap collectors not only contribute to cleaning up space, but also provide an important economic component by reclaiming valuable resources from the remnants of space battles. With advanced technology and equipment, scrap collectors are indispensable players in the Star Citizen universe.


Dropships in Star Citizen are specialized spacecraft designed for the fast insertion and extraction of ground troops or cargo on planetary surfaces. With a combination of maneuverability and sufficient space for passengers or cargo, Dropships enable tactical landing maneuvers and secure transportation of troops in dangerous environments. They play a crucial role in ground operations and can operate in contested areas with their robust construction and defensive armament. The versatility of Dropships makes them indispensable tools for organizations and military units operating on planetary surfaces.


Destroyers in Star Citizen are powerful warships that were developed for combat in space. With heavy armaments and impressive armor, they are capable of effectively engaging enemy spacecraft and supporting larger fleet operations. These imposing ships are often the backbone of fleet formations and can play a crucial role in large space battles. Destroyers are designed for enemy destruction and can act both as independent combat units and as part of larger fleet engagements. Their presence in the universe of Star Citizen poses a serious threat to enemy forces.



Repair ships in Star Citizen play a central role in maintaining and restoring spacecraft in the universe. These specialized ships are equipped with advanced technology and tools to repair damaged spacecraft, restore systems, and fix damages. With their abilities, repair ships contribute to extending the lifespan and operational readiness of fleets. Whether it's repairing after space battles or addressing technical issues, repair ships are essential resources to ensure that space travel in the Star Citizen universe operates smoothly.


Tanker ships in Star Citizen play a crucial role in supplying spaceships with fuel and other resources. These specialized vessels are designed to store large quantities of fuel and transfer it to other ships when needed. Tankers are essential for long-range travel and military operations by providing fleets with enough fuel to successfully carry out their missions. Their ability to transport and transfer fuel efficiently makes tanker ships indispensable components of the space travel infrastructure in the Star Citizen universe.