Interdiction Star Citizen spaceships

Interception spacecraft in Star Citizen are designed to stop enemy ships or disrupt their Quantum travels. The primary function of such ships is to control the space around them and influence the movements of other vessels.

  • Quantum Disruption: These ships typically have specialized equipment that allows them to disrupt enemy ships in Quantum flight. This means they have the ability to force ships to exit Quantum travel and return to normal space.
  • Surveillance and Control: Interdiction-focused ships are equipped with advanced sensors and jamming devices to monitor the space around them and influence the movements of other ships. This enables them to detect and prevent hostile activities.
  • Detainment and Blocking: These ships can serve as a kind of space police by stopping, blocking, or restricting enemy ships. This is especially important in high-traffic areas or conflict zones.
  • Versatility: Some interdiction-focused ships may also be suitable for other tasks such as escort or reconnaissance. Their capabilities make them a versatile tool for tactical operations.
  • Specialized Equipment: These ships may carry specialized equipment such as Quantum Interdiction Generators or advanced scanners to optimize their interdiction functions.

Interception spacecraft play a crucial role in space control and can be vital in enforcing laws, defending territories, or combating piracy.